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Feature Request: Optional Mapping for Main Categories

I would like to request a change to how main categories (e.g., Meubelen) are handled during the mapping process. Currently, it seems mandatory to map main categories from VidaXL (like Meubelen) to a WooCommerce category for the mappings to work correctly. However, I prefer not to use main categories in my shop, as they are solely for structure and not for displaying or organizing products. For example: If I do not map the main category Meubelen from VidaXL, the system does not allow me to correctly map subcategories like Woonkamer > Banken. This forces me to map the main category, even when it is unnecessary for my shop’s structure.. Suggested Solution: Allow subcategories to be mapped independently of their parent (main) categories. Make the mapping of main categories optional, so users who do not wish to use them can bypass this requirement. This would provide greater flexibility for shop owners and better alignment with different shop structures. Thank you for considering this improvement!

An Anonymous User About 1 month ago

Dropshipping plugins

Edit and Sort Mappings

I’d like to suggest adding the following functionalities to the category mapping page: Edit Button Next to the Remove Button Currently, if I notice an error in a mapping, I need to delete it and re-add it. The issue is that the new mapping is then placed at the bottom of the list, which disrupts the order and makes it look messy. Adding an "Edit" button next to the "Remove" button would make this process much more efficient and help maintain the order of the list. Ability to Sort Mappings It would also be great to have a feature that allows manual sorting of the mappings. This would make it easier to keep an organized and logical order, especially when dealing with a large number of mappings. Thank you for considering this feature, and I look forward to hearing if this is possible!

An Anonymous User About 1 month ago

Dropshipping plugins

VidaXL & Bigbuy plugin update

Wishlist voor VidaXL en BigBuy plugin: Automatisch Kortingsbeheer voor Promoties. Nu het vierde kwartaal voor de deur staat, een belangrijke periode met feestdagen en optioneel acties die voor een piek in verkopen kunnen zorgen, wil ik graag een verzoek doen voor een extra functionaliteit in de VidaXL en BigBuy plugin. Deze toevoeging zou het instellen en beheren van kortingen tijdens drukke promotieperiodes aanzienlijk vereenvoudigen. Wat is mijn wens? Ik zou graag een tool met AI-functie willen zien die automatisch kortingen van 10%, 15%, 20% of 25% kan toepassen op geselecteerde producten die in de aanbieding gaan voor speciale acties, zoals rond feestdagen. Met deze tool zou ik eenvoudig kunnen bepalen welke producten korting krijgen en het kortingspercentage kunnen kiezen. Hoe zou dit werken? 1. Productselectie: Ik wil de mogelijkheid hebben om specifieke producten te selecteren waarom de korting van toepassing is. Dit kunnen bijvoorbeeld bestsellers of conventionele producten zijn. Tevens is deze plug in goed voor elk seizoen om te gebruiken! Ik hoop echt dat jullie hier wat cools mee kunnen. Greets, Ray.

An Anonymous User 5 months ago

Marketplace plugins

Stock margin offset

Many shops using vidaXL as dropshipping supplier. So, if the stock is low (e.g. 1) there is a chance that by the time I want to fulfill the order with vidaXL that item is already sold out. So, it will be nice if I can choose to have a stock margin offset in your app so that we do not end up in this situation. For example, if I set the stock margin to 10 then the reported inventory stock will be less by 10. That is, if there are 11 items available in vidaXL warehouse, then I will see 1 available only. Currently, I am achieving this by having code in multiple places in my store, and still it is not perfect. If it was part of your app, then the results would have been perfect and I would not need to add and maintain code in multiple place. I think this will be an easy-to-implement, yet important feature.

An Anonymous User 10 months ago

Shopify apps